Friday, February 19, 2010

Fat Camp or Bust

I have this friend - let's call her Stephanie (because that is her name) - who would run herself through a series of panics every morning after the bar.  Out of nowhere -"Where are my keys?", and a few minutes later "where is my wallet" (not like she could lose that brick!  It is the largest wallet I have ever seen!) and then "where's my cell phone?".  I believe all items were consistently an arms-length away - but these moments of panic were still (or at least sound) very entertaining.

I am currently going through something similar - only instead of post-bar panic, I am having pre-FC panic.  What if I forget all of those packets I filled out?  What if something happens to my reservation, and I have nowhere to stay?  What if (God forbid) I forget some key component for my iPod??!??!!  (this would be the biggest issue for me!!)  What if I forget to pack underwear? (I lost my box of underwear for a couple of days after a previous move - and I know how tricky that can get!)  I am certain this all stems from the fact that I honestly have no idea what my life is going to be like for the next 4 weeks.  I am continually asked questions : what is your schedule going to be like?  how many other people are going to be there?  - and I have the same questions!!  I have no idea what is going to be going on with me!  I am excited - I know everything is going to be fine (they aren't going to do anything horrible to me) - - but it still causing me to be a bit of a nutter right now!

I am finishing up laundry and getting things packed today.  My plan is to leave Saturday morning at 5am.  I am hoping the weather cooperates, and I can get the bulk of my drive done on Saturday.  I have to check in at DDFC by 5pm on Sunday, and then I get started early Monday morning. 

I want everyone to keep in touch - keep me up to date on what is happening here at home - so please text, email, or comment often!  Wish me luck!! 


  1. So proud of you!! You are going to do great!! and you always have me in your corner cheering you on....if you need me email me at or you have my cell phone if you need a pep talk!! drive safe and remember you have friends and family here for you always!! take care and "You can do it!" rob schneider...Water Boy quote...hehehehe!! LOVE YOU GIRL!!!....Lori :)

  2. Good luck Nad..thinking of you and drive safely! I know you have jitters but you are adventurous! You can do it!


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