Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Time...don't run out on me!

In the 1.5 weeks that I have been home, my biggest adjustment has been time management.  I have always had a bit of an issue with procrastination... I can't help it.  It is hereditary, and I have it coming from both sides.  This goes beyond that!  I can't seem to find time to update my blog, finish my laundry, get in the amount of time I need to at the gym, etc, etc, etc.  My shining accomplishments have been: I finally got my laundry basket and suitcase emptied and put away, I am eating pretty well the majority of the time, and I am continuing to lose weight.  I guess those kind of count - right?  I have also been hit by a cold or allergies - not sure which culprit to blame for the fact that I can't breathe, go through a box of kleenex a day, and can't stop hacking?  I tend to be a bit of a baby/whiner when I am sick, and this is no exception. 

I had to give myself a pep talk this morning on my way to work (the people in the cars near me were probably wondering who this insane person was talking to herself in an animated fashion!) about prioritizing my time.  I am going to have to become more comfortable with the word no.  I can't commit to every outing, every get-together, every everything - because I need to make getting my butt to the gym, buying and preparing healthy meals, and proper rest, a priority.  This first week and a half has been non-stop running.  Don't get me wrong - I missed everyone while I was gone - and it is FANTASTIC to catch up (I am lucky anyone missed me while I was gone, and want to see me when I got back!), but I have done all of this at the expense of my own priorities/needs.  I need to be somewhat selfish for a bit, until I get myself into the swing of things - and I had to convince myself that that is OK.  I can still hang out with my friends - it will just be at the gym.  I can still catch up, it will just be while on a treadmill or some device of torture in the weight section.  I may be misleading everyone with the remarks above - I have become used to only doing what I want.  It is really all about me, after all. (shout out to narcissism)  I have just had a bit of a backslide since returning home because I genuinely want to see everyone!  I was used to having much more free time on my hands because Applebee's, Chili's, McDonald's (you name it - they cooked for me) was in charge of my food prep - and I certainly didn't need time for the gym!   I just need to take some time to figure out what is going to work for me, for what I need to do for myself, and then fit everything else in around it.  I would also appreciate it if this phlegm situation would take a hike. Love, Natalie.

All of that being said - we had birthday dinner for my sister Mackenzie (who turned 24 on March 14th - while I was away at Fat Camp) and my Mom (who turned... she might not appreciate me putting that out there... let's just leave it at: she's young at heart - and gained another digit on March 30th) on Monday at Wendy and Ken's.  I finally got to see my grandparents (shout out to Ed & Kay) which was great!  I also appreciate that we got to grill out, and have somewhat healthy items.  I marinated chicken in the DFC marinade (see below for the recipe) and we also had steaks, baked potatoes, grilled asparagus w/ lemon (YUM!) and cake.  I proved once again that I can eat much less than I used to think I needed, and be completely satisfied.  I am still sure I will have days where it is harder to eat well, than others - but for the most part, this still seems extremely doable.  I had chicken, a quarter of a baked potato (they were HUGE), asparagus, and a 1/2 piece of cake (shout out to Ed for splitting with me). 

I know my family is trying to make healthier decisions when we all eat together - and I am sure being supportive of me is a major reason for that.  I really do appreciate it - but want to put something out there for all of my friends and family.  All of you do not need to change the way you prepare, consume, or plan your food intake to accommodate me.  This is something that I have to deal with, and decisions that I have to make.  I don't ever want any of you thinking you can't have favorite things on hand, because I am going to be there - and it will be a temptation.  This world is one gigantic temptation.  Every day, everywhere (I almost had to buy chocolate and chips at CVS yesterday because I was thinking they would cure my cold for sure!).  I want everyone to live their lives how they normally would - and I will make adjustments on my end to take care of me.  I love all of you - and don't want me being around to put a strain on how you want to live your life.  I am a big girl (literally and figuratively) and I (unfortunately) have to be responsible for myself.

Here is the chicken marinade recipe from the DFC.  I tripled it the other day - and used way more chicken.  Enjoy!

 Servings: 4, Serving Size 2 ounces cooked Chicken
2 chicken breasts, halved and trimmed (about 10 ounces total)
1/3 cup Dijon Mustard
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 tablespoon Herbs de Provence

Whisk all ingredients (except chicken) together.  Mix with chicken and marinate at least 30 minutes (but not more than 24 hours - or the dijon starts to cook the chicken - gross).  Place chicken on a sprayed sheet pan and bake at 300 degrees for about 25 minutes; discard extra marinade. 

Nutrition Analysis per serving:
Calories: 100
Carbohydrate: 0 g
Protein: 14 g
Fat: ~3 g

I hope everyone is having a great week!  I'll hopefully be better about updating in the weeks to come!


  1. Keep in mind Natilie,

    Obesity is a nation epidemic we all need to eat healthier. You have tapped into something we all need to pay attention to and that is good nutrition some of us just have a new motivation in cooking and preparing nutrional meals and that is your family and friends love for you! Listen I see enough "skinny people" in the heart unit that have blown their hearts and vascular system with poor nutrition. They are the worst cases because they can eat what the want and still look good from the outside. Heavier people have an easier time changing bad eating because they start to look good from the outside and as well as the inside and can project what is actually happening from the inside. get my drift here? Nat let people cook heatlhy for you and enjoy it because we are all helping ourselves just as much. Also, good for you for taking some time out to set the new rules to your life. Yeh, will your friends and family will miss calling you for those last min. plans for resterants and bars but eventually you'll start getting calls for last min trips to the lake, the deck for veggies and dip and long walks ect. Rock on girl! YOU ARE DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sincerely lisa and brad too.

  2. Natalie,
    Friend of a friend of a friend here - - just needed to tell you that I don't know you but you rock! I am so motivated by what you said about having to say "no" and make yourself/your health a priority. Keep up the pep talks!!I need to start being better at this to. Thanks for the inspiration. You are really doing this! Well done. Well done.
    (P.S. another easy chix marinade: mix a tbsp of Apricot Perserves (or orange marmalade) with a tsp of dijon mustard - slap it on a breast of chix and shove it in the oven at 375 (or thereabouts) til it is done (30-40 minutes?). And yum! (and yes, slapping and shoving are important steps in this recipe. ha)

  3. I am so happy for you sister! You are doing so well and it is AWESOME! One thing, Lisa is so right, why would we not have healthy or healthier options at get togethers? This new awakening in your life can do us all some good!! Healthy food is also delicious, example, grilled asparagus with fresh lemon squeezed on it!


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