Monday, October 11, 2010

“Almost nobody dances sober, unless they are insane.” - HP Lovecraft

I was back in Minnesota...again...last weekend!  The good news is that at least all of the things drawing me back are super-fun, so it makes the trip totally worth it!  That being said, I am very excited to have 3 weeks at home before my next trip back.  I tried to make the most of this weekend, as I did with the last one as well - I was even able to work in a little exercise!

Friday I was going to go to the gym before heading back, but it was just too nice out!  I took advantage of the beautiful day, and walked outside.  (I was somewhat bothered to find 3 kids playing in the park when I walked by it.  Shouldn't they have been in school?!?)  I love a blast of warmth when I feel like winter is on it's way!  It just makes everything better!

On Saturday I went to Molly's bootcamp class again.  I didn't get a ton of sleep Friday night (possibly because of the mouse story my dad told before I went to bed?), and was a little less excited to be there than last week - which apparently manifested itself in a scowl the whole time.  Sorry Molly - please don't take it personally!!  I would have been scowling at anything at that point, I guess!  I was grateful to have something to get me out of bed, and get some moving in!  And I was dripping with sweat when we were done, so thank you!  I can only imagine that continuing to work with me scowling back at you in the mirror isn't very fun!  Maybe I was just sad because someone was supposed to send a beach towel along for me, after reading my last post about the towelette, and it wasn't there when I arrived?  (Shout out to Fancy for sassing my ridiculous amount of sweat)
I probably looked like this with more hair...and sweatier.

From there I went to G-R-E-G's (the best bartender in the world, from the best bar in the world) wedding.  Congrats to Greg and Lisa!!  They had been through a lot in 24 hours - one of Lisa's sons broke & dislocated his arm in a couple of places at the groom's dinner, and had to go through surgery that morning (could you imagine) - so they totally deserved the gorgeous day!!  I was only able to go to the ceremony, because there was some celebrating to do, of another kind!

Saturday was my friend Linda's birthday!  She and Darcy were having their party at Linda's mini-mansion, and it was spectacular!  It came complete with bonfire in the fanciest fire pit I've ever seen, and Karaoke/DJ in the basement!  I held it together pretty well until later in the evening, when it was time to rock it out!  Now...I am typically someone who will do a fair amount of dancing - but in the past that desire has been fueled by copious amounts of alcohol.  Since I am now "off booze" (I'd rather eat my calories, than drink them) I had determined it was time to figure out how to live my life without the bravery inducer known as alcohol.  I guess someone hit that switch around midnight - I may have been prodded into a short stint of the running man, and did much dancing/yelling (and sweating!!) along to the music for about an hour.  Then it was time to rest - my bod was tired, and I was ready for bed.  All-in-all, the greatest party I have been to in a long time!!  Shout out to Linda & Darcy - and of course their party-planner Marilyn!  That party was epic!  Hope it becomes an annual event!

On Sunday we had a debrief lunch, I had dinner with my sisters and nieces, and then headed back.  Time to get back to work!  I have the serious task of shrinking Remus, and it's probably time I get to work - possibly don't some dancing?  It should be a lot less embarrassing to do it my myself, at my house - right?  I just need to make sure the blinds are closed!

How did you spend your gorgeous October weekend? 

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