Monday, May 23, 2011

Are you up for the challenge?

It is Monday as I type this, and I have a number of challenges extended to myself. Some fitness-based, some nutrition-based, some career-based, some overall-life-based. I'm makin' plans. I refuse to call them goals, because as many of you know - goal-setting for me tends to produce the opposite, undesired, outcome. I am my own worst enemy. I have self-destructive-personality disorder. And I apparently sometimes think I'm a doctor. =)

These "plans" aren't anything I haven't set as goals a million times - but it is necessary for me to start getting some structure to my days. Hopefully I'll be going back to work soon, so I might as well get used to actually having to get things done! Here's a little idea of what I'm working on:
  • Finish my damn resume! I have some really great references, but am stuck at trying to turn (I seriously just typed "tern" before I was like...duh! It's TURN!) my non-skills into things that a company cannot live without. I am an under-seller, so this job is proving to be ridiculously hard! (and apparently I have to leave "competent speller" off my list of skills!)
  • Get my ass to the gym at least 6 days a week and lift weights 4 times (2 upper body days, 2 lower body days) per week. The weights start this Thursday. It could be dangerous. Hopefully I can straighten my legs and touch my face by week's end.
  • Stop eating like crap. I have 1800-2000 calories per day. It would be in my best interest to not use them on Cheetos. It would also be in my best interest to start planning before going to the grocery store, and STICK TO MY LIST!!
  • Enough of the salt lick. I am going to limit myself to 2000mg/day of sodium. I seriously feel so much better when I do. 
  • Get working on my book. I started a book of my own a few months ago, and it's just been sitting there. It is time to get cracking! I have so many genius insights to share with the world! I think at least an hour, three times per week, is a good plan. I know I can't force it, but that seems reasonable.
Those are my "plans" so far. I think my dad would be proud of me - I have even made spreadsheets to track a few of these things. I am finally feeling about 80% on my ability to breathe, so it's time to get moving!

I also had a request to start a summer mission, or challenge. I asked for ideas on Facebook and Twitter - but will ask here, as well. Do you have any suggestions, or requests, for a challenge? I'd like to have the first day be June 1st, and we can run it June - August. I have gotten a "total miles" suggestion, which I really like - but wanted to see if anyone else had any ideas. If you do, please comment here, or email me at: . I'll make a final decision by Wednesday or Thursday, so everyone will have enough time to sign up if they'd like! 

I hope things are going great for all of you, and none of you were affected by the crazy tornado's last weekend! Have any of you been making "plans" for yourself? I'd love to hear about them!

1 comment:

  1. good plans! Lately I've been starting a "work my entire body three times a week" goal. As in stuff like Body Pump and what not. I'll still work muscle individually, but I think it'll help mix it up if I do full body blasts a few times a week, too.


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