Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's a Slippery Slope

**My blog has adopted my slacker attitude (it really is catchy). It was supposed to post at 6am, but chose not to. Sorry for the delay! **

I know better. I know better than to skip a day or two at the gym, because then I just skip more. Not because there is a legitimate reason to skip the gym, but just because I get so damn lazy sometimes!! I know it has helped me feel stronger, and more balanced, and just plain better. But sometimes that just isn't enough to make me want to go, apparently. 

Last week started out going so well, I guess there was only one way for me to go - and that unfortunately, was down. I got up after 3 hours of sleep to go the gym. I went Monday-Thursday mornings. I did my weights and cardio. I was rocking it steady. I even tried out light dinner for my sisters' family on Wednesday, and my entire family on Thursday. I think I got cocky. 

I got up early Friday morning, got dressed for the gym, and then remembered I was late on getting something emailed off. By the time I got on the computer, typed up my new entry, and got it sent off - I had lost my interest in the gym. Then the bargaining began. "I could stay here and probably finish my Christmas sweater before everyone shows up" and "I will will totally just go to the gym after everyone leaves". Yeah right. I know myself well enough to know that I need to go right away, or I talk myself out of it. By the time clean-up was done, I helped my dad get his iPod working - it was bedtime. No gym.
Similar run through on Saturday morning. I had to make a new recipe light pesto salad, and had another family get-together. Again - I said I would go that night. Bullshit. I did get my car cleaned, however - so it wasn't a total loss.

I got home on Sunday, and then proceeded to spend Monday-Wednesday being lazy. Prioritizing getting  a new phone over the gym - like I didn't have time to do both. At least I did get all of my laundry done, so it wasn't a total loss. I have also done a fair amount of knitting. That does NOT count as exercise. I did have to give myself a break. It hasn't even been a week of laziness. That is nothing compared to some of my lazy stints. =)
I am ready to turn in my lazy ways for renewed gym dedication. I made an appointment with YC for Thursday morning, and am ready to get back at it. It is going to be awesome. I would like to formally request now Big Sexy be at the gym tomorrow. It always helps me want to go when I think there might be something pretty to look at. 

Hope you all enjoyed your holidays. Now back to reality.

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